
{shinymice} is an R package for interactive evaluation of incomplete data by Hanne Oberman, guided by Gerko Vink and Stef van Buuren.

View the Project on GitHub amices/shinymice


{shinymice} is an R package under development, aimed at interactive evaluation of incomplete data.

shinymice hex sticker

The app is part of the amices universe (‘a home for the growing MICE family’). Amices is a place for people interested in solving missing data problems. Find us online on GitHub or our website. For an introduction to missing data and imputation methods, see the open access book ‘Flexible Imputation of Missing Data’ (van Buuren, 2018).

For a demo version of the app, see

Author: Hanne Oberman, guided by Gerko Vink and Stef van Buuren.