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Plot the trace lines of the imputation algorithm


plot_trace(data, vrb = "all")



An object of class mice::mids.


String, vector, or unquoted expression with variable name(s), default is "all".


An object of class ggplot2::ggplot.


The vrb argument is "quoted" via rlang::enexpr() and evaluated according to tidy evaluation principles. In practice, this technical nuance only affects users when passing an object from the environment (e.g., a vector of variable names) to the vrb argument. In such cases, the object must be "unquoted" via the !! prefix operator.


# create [mice::mids] object with [mice::mice()]
imp <- mice::mice(mice::nhanes, print = FALSE)

# plot trace lines for all imputed columns
#> Trace plot could not be produced for variable(s):
#>   age
#>  No convergence diagnostics found.

# plot trace lines for specific columns by supplying a string or character vector
plot_trace(imp, "chl")

plot_trace(imp, c("chl", "hyp"))

# plot trace lines for specific columns by supplying unquoted variable names
plot_trace(imp, chl)

plot_trace(imp, c(chl, hyp))

# plot trace lines for specific columns by passing an object with variable names
# from the environment, unquoted with `!!`
my_variables <- c("chl", "hyp")
plot_trace(imp, !!my_variables)

# object with variable names must be unquoted with `!!`
try(plot_trace(imp, my_variables))
#> Error in match_vrb(vrb, vrbs_in_data) : 
#>    The variable name(s) supplied to `vrb` could not be found in `data`.
#>  If you supply an object with variable names from the environment, use `!!` to
#>   unqote:
#>   `vrb = !!my_variables`